Make N.C.C. Compulsory to Make the Youth Enterprising

Neha Pant
2 min readJun 18, 2020


It may be the need of the hour

Indian N.C.C Cadets during a drill

As an educator, I have found it hard to miss the lackadaisical attitude of today’s youth. They join courses with a fervor that will put Indian cricket fanaticism to shame, but it quickly fades. The levels at which the the tepidness is displayed vary from physical, mental to even emotional. Having been part of N.C.C. (National Cadet Corps) at a young age, I can vouch for the benefits it can impart to this young brigade.

First, and foremost, N.C.C. brings discipline to the distraught lifestyle led by the current youth. Being an offshoot of the Indian Armed Forces, such discipline is innate to N.C.C. With the simplest of activities such as early morning exercise and drill, preparation of one’s uniform and rolling of one’s bed first thing in the morning, discipline is infused into a cadet’s mental fabric.

The second benefit is the inculcation of responsibility. Irrespective of the level of intelligence, most students tend to be irresponsible, a trait most parents and teachers find hard to fix. N.C.C. makes responsibility second nature for its cadets. Taking care of one’s uniform and other items such as rifles ensures this.

The third advantage is the candid and intrepid personality that develops because of the number of activities a cadet participates in. The activities cover a broad spectrum — shooting, parasailing, paratrooping, flying, rowing, rappelling, flagarea presentation, cultural performances etc. These provide every cadet with an opportunity/activity of his/her liking. The interaction with peers and the competition with them make the cadets dauntless. Some examples of ex-N.C.C. cadets who have carved a niche for themselves are Indian PM Narendra Modi, Ex-EAM Late Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Rajyavardhan Rathore, Anjali Bhagwat, Jaya Bachchan etc.

Obviously, we are currently battling with a global pandemic and this advice may seem ill-timed, but we are also dealing with enemy forces on our borders and this calls for a better prepared youth. Agreed that right now most parents may dread the thought of sending their kids outside to even play, but this is a long-term strategy which may make us an innately stronger nation.



Neha Pant

Published Author/Writer/Spiritual seeker/Traveler/Digital Media enthusiast/Interested in Yoga, Dance, Music/Devout Shiv Bhakt/Pranic Healer.